Showing 253–264 of 638 results
Flower Girls Basket Round arrangement: (approx H20 cm W18 cm) 6 super size Roses grouped in the centre and surrounded with Babys Breath and Foliages. Both side of the basket is adorned with fabric bows. (basket 1796-GN)
Flower Girls Basket (approx H32cm W22cm) Both sides of the basket are decorated with mini bouquet of Roses (2 super Roses at each side) accented with Hypericums and fabric ribbon bow. The basket is filled with fresh rose petals (Rose petals plucked from approx 5 stalks of Roses) (basket 3713)
posie $ 51 2 stalks of Baby Rose Sprays surrounded by Babys Breath and Tea Leaves. Holder is wrap with fabric ribbon and bow (as shown) $71 4 stalks of Baby Rose Sprays surrounded by Babys Breath and Tea Leaves. Holder is attached with a fabric bow
posie : $46 3 stalks of super Roses surrounded by Babys Breath and Tea Leaves. Holder is wrap with fabric ribbon and bow. (as shown) $64 using 6 super Roses with the fillers
Posie: $33 a single Gerberas complemented by Wax Flowers, Lanuginosas, Hypericums, Caspias, yellow Pom Pom, Salal Tips and stem wrap with fabric ribbon and bow (as shown) $55 using 4 Gerberas with the fillers
Posie: $33 2 stalks of bloomed Carnations, complemented by Wax Flowers, mini button Pom Pom, Caspia and accented wtih Salal Tips and Bear Grass. Holder is wrap with fabric ribbon and bow. (as shown) $48 using 5 stalks of bloomed Carnations and more fillers
Posie: $58 3 stalks of imported Calla Lilies, complemented by green Hypericums Galaxy Leaves. The holder is bound by fabric ribbon (as shown) $78 5 stalks of imported Calla Lilies, complemented by green Hypericums Galaxy Leaves. The holder is bound with fabric ribbon
Posie: $33 - This posie is made up of 5 stalks of Shamrock Chrysanthemum. The holder is bound with fabric ribbon (as shown) $37 with 8 stalks of Shamrock Chrysanthemum. (price does not include the glass vase)
Posie: $43 - This posie is made up of 6 stalks of fragrant Mattiolas. The holder is bound with fabric ribbon (as shown) $52 with 9 stalks of fragrant Mattiolas (price does not include the glass vase)