Hand Bouquets
Showing 49–60 of 85 results
$111.00 – $147.00
A fragrant bouquet of Roses and Lavender. Beautifully arranged by hand to create a contemporary twist on a classic birthday bouquet.
$111 - 12 stalks of Roses, complemented by super mini Pom poms, Statices, Lavender, and Eucalyptus (as shown)
$147 - 24 stalks of Roses
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$70.00 – $85.00
Rich red Carnations, they symbolizes deep love and affection. Or choose pink, to express love and gratitude.
Open style
$70 – 9 stalks Carnations accented with Alstroemeria, and foliage (Eucalyptus, Cordyline)
$85 – 12 stalks Carnations (as shown)
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$70.00 – $125.00
Gentle Hydrangea and glossy green leaves provide the perfect fairy tale finish.
$70 – 1 stalks of Hydrangea surrounded by Baby's Breaths, Statices and Salal tips (as shown)
$85 – 2 stalks of Hydrangea
$125 – 3 stalks of Hydrangea
Select options 48 hours advance notice required.
A floral classic with 99 beautiful roses expertly hand tied by our talented florists.
This is a fragrant arrangement that is perfect for all occasions.
$298 – 99 stalks of Roses
Hand-tied into a posy and wrapped with rice paper
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$107.00 – $162.00
This elegant posie is made up of 6 stalks super Roses, 2 blooms of exotic Cymbidium Orchids and accented with Wax Flowers, Hypericums, Pittosporum and Bear Grass. The bouquet is wrapped with plain rice paper and rice paper sprinkle with silver embellishments. Finished with a fabric ribbon bow (as shown)
$145 – 10 stalks of Roses, 4 blooms of exotic Cymbidium Orchids
$162 - 12 stalks of Roses, 5 blooms of exotic Cymbidium Orchids
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A bouquet of fresh, radiant red Roses is the most timeless gift of all! Show someone you love them—now and forever—with one dozen classic, heartfelt blooms arranged in the shape of a heart.
This heart is created with 12 stalks of Roses and surrounded with Baby's Breath and Tea Leaves
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$93.00 – $130.00
Velvet red Roses and white phoenix go hand in hand in this hot colour combination bouquet.
Open style
$93 – 12 stalks of Roses wrapped with white Phoenix and fragrant Eucalyptus (as shown)
$130 – 24 stalks of Roses
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$89.00 – $166.00
Fresh Lilies are artistically hand-arranged with complementing fillers, creating a gift that’ll leave her blushing, no matter the occasion!
$91 – 3 stalks of Trumpet Lilies with Baby's Breath, Statices, Sweet Williams and Foliages (Pittosporum, Eucalyptus) (as shown)
$124 – with 6 Trumpet Lilies
$170 – with 12 Trumpet Lilies
Select options Lily might arrive in buds form, allow 2 to 3 days to bloom.
Open style
A softly endearing yet rustic all-white Baby's Breath bouquet wrapped with brown paper.
(5 stalks of Baby's Breath and 4 pieces of brown paper)
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$93.00 – $130.00
Our bold and beautiful bouquet of blue Roses. A wonderful display that will brighten any room and is just perfect for celebrating any occasion.
$93 – 12 stalks of blue Roses, accented with Baby Roses, Symphoricarpos and foliage (Eucalyptus and Dusty Miller) (as shown)
$130 – 24 stalks of blue Roses
48 hours advance notice required
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$50.00 – $100.00
$50 - 1 Hello kitty complemented by Sweet Williams and Pin Pat leaves
$100 - 1 Hello Kitty and 1 Dear Daniel
Select options 72 hours advance notice required.
$98 - 1 Hello kitty, surrounded by 6 Roses, Sweet Williams and Eucalyptus
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